TALGA February 2018 eNews
By now all TALGA members will have received the Miniconference Flyer and Registration Form. The Miniconference is a one-day event, a Field Day at Pastoria Lavender, near Kyneton, Vic. Pastoria Lavender was planted in 2014. Come and see what the owners Neville and Gillian Henderson have achieved in only a few years.
It is a day for all new growers and prospective growers where you can ask questions, see lavender equipment, and watch a distillation of lavender oil using two different types of still. Carolyn W (check) is coming to assist in demonstration the use of an Alembic still.
Those of us with more experience will be on hand to answer questions.
For those travelling from interstate by plane, it is suggested that you arrive on the Thursday at Tullamarine Airport where a courtesy bus is available to take you to the Best Western Motel, Attwood. Accommodation is available. Please make your own bookings.
Join other TALGA members in the morning to take you by bus to Pastoria Lavender for the day(and return).
Contact secretary@talga.com.au or mobile: 0412748270 for bookings enquiries
Make a note that Conference Registration is required by Thursday 15th March 2018. If paying by Direct Debit remember to forward details of payment and registration to Treasurer, Neville Sargeant.
AGM 2018
Reminder that nominations for General Committee, Liaison Officers, Notices of Motion and Agenda Items are due shortly.
Refer to an email sent to members on 2nd February.
Available to purchase with labels or unlabelled at Members prices. Minimum purchase.
A TALGA Label with manufacturing details and ingredient list will be supplied separately with unlabelled products
TALGA Now available for purchase for $10 + postage. Most suitable for shirts, caps and vests etc. We would encourage members to obtain one and try.
To order products phone Neville Sargeant (03) 59648238 / 0418 998 982 or email Neville at
Making Payments to TALGA
All payments to TALGA will now be required to be made by Direct Banking or by Cheque. The PayPal option will no longer be available. Please contact Neville if you need any help in this matter.
New TALGA Members
Sophie & David Sheridan, Emu Bay Lavender, Kangaroo Island, SA
TALGA President Gary Young welcomes our new members to TALGA and trusts you enjoy the benefits that we can offer from networking, conferences, workshops, industry knowledge etc.
Members may like to take the opportunity when coming to the Conference to visit the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show on at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, 21st March to 25th March 2018.
Amongst many interesting things on offer you will find, Floral Design Workshops,Quick tricks to give instant curb appeal, and Bring ‘farm-to table’ with ‘yard to table’.Details at www.melbflowershow.com.au
While you are there pay a visit to TALGA members, Annemarie & Peter Manders, Warratina Lavender and Site B17 is where you will find Di & Clive Larkman, Larkman Nurseries who will have a trading sites.
For further information about a 100hr Lavender Course involving growing, harvesting and its use contact
Denise Hodges
Admin. Coordinator, ACS Distance Education, PO Box 292, Nerang, MDG, QLD 4211
E: admin@acs.edu.au Web: www.acs.edu.au
Denise has currently a number of enrolled students in the Lavender Course. It is an excellent exposure to our members to see what is being offered.
I’m pleased to report that my “Patch” at Pinelea produced beautiful lavender within the usual time frame this season. All varieties performed well with no caterpillers, grasshoppers or beetles to spoil the party. Bees were numerous and noisy.
Riverina Thomas and Margaret Rocky Hall had particularly long spikes held on generous numbers of stems.
Most of my Margaret Rocky Hall bushes are entering their twentieth year and in structure, show their age with bits cut out here and there, revealing gnarled, thick old branches. However, I monitored one bush which was representative of the three rows. From this bush, my husband cut eleven bunches, each of approximately 160 spikes.
That these old bushes are still so generous to me I think is amazing! Let’s hope the next season will be as good.
I have attempted to contact most of the NSW members, but have only had a couple of recent responses.
Sharon and Greg Bailey from Little Willow Lavender attended Ag Quip at Gunnedah in 2017. They reported that they enjoyed the experience and made some contacts, but do not plan to attend again in the near future.
They have since had a very positive experience when they set up a “Pop Up” shop in Willow Tree over late December and January.

Jenny and Southie 1st December 2017 at Pottique Lavender Farm, Kingaroy
Pottique Lavender Farm
On the 30th November 2017 I drove over to Kingaroy and stayed at the Burke and Wills Motel overnight. As planned on Friday the 1st December I drove out to The PottiqueLavender Farm. While not members of TALGA Annie McBride’s niece was most interestedin hearing about what we do as an association. A complimentary copy of the 2016 Lavender Journal was graciously accepted. After a delicious morning tea, I could look around in their shop and lovely garden full of lavender geraniums and other native plants.
February 2018
February must be the cruelest month on both sides of the planet. Chatting with a friend in UK last week, he recounted the need for 7 layers of clothing while waiting at a bus-stop in sleeting rain. And here I am surveying our parched, dry plot of dirt in heat of 42 degrees, wondering how my precious lavender plants can ever survive.
Does’t seem to worry the native gums though, they positively glisten silvery, green in the heat, and I was surprised to come across a

Scentimental Collection – Lavender Roll-on Deodorant
spindly gum, planted 30 years ago, covered in beautiful golden bunches of flowers for the first time. What a surprise.
February, in our part of the world at least,
even the most avid gardener and yet amongst the pretty pink Amaryllis lily pops up, delivering a a Hyacinth. It’s a trick of ature that these twotime, at opposite ends of the globe, one in
the colder the better.
Talkig of heat, do’t forget Talga’s lavender deodorant available wholesale price for box 10 works out at $4-18each. Exclusive, Australian made, a great addition too
your retail shelf and a big hit for those searching for aluminium free, authentically fragranced lavender deodorant. Available with or without a label.
The Talga team is always working on ideas for new products and initiatives to assist our membership promote and sell their lavender.
Watch this space for an exciting product development.
If you have a view or idea for consideration, please let us know. Fiona our Secretary can place it on the agenda for discussion or even better, have a chat at the mini conference, coming up on Friday 23 March. [see website for details]. T and I will be driving over and taking in the Melbourne Flower Show at the same time. I’ll look forward to seeing you there.
Dawn Baudinette would like to thank Annemarie Manders, Warratina Lavender, for not only lending Dawn her lavender stripper but personally delivering it. Annemarie stayed overnight with Dawn. No doubt several wines were consumed.
Steve Ford would like to purchase a still. E: fordsy@hotmail.com
Lavender harvester consisting of:
- Modified forage harvester with extended chute
- Bespoke fabricated trailer for collection of cut lavender
- Bulka bags
The lavender harvester was built during 2012 and was used during the harvest in early 2013and 2014. In 2014 the lavender oil won first prize in TALGA’s lavender competition forGrosso oils.
It requires a tractor with three-point linkage and a PTO shaft (power take off).
A total of $3,100 was spent on purchase, modification and fabrication and will sell now for $2,000.,
Contact: Koos Hulst (03) 5348 4852 or 0437 747 619. E: koos.hulst@sanae-svcs.com.au Photos in the December Enews
Granite Hills Lavender Farm , 99 Barker Road North Harcourt
The farm is on 25 acres with stunning views across central Victoria. Approx 5 acres of lavender, several varieties. Large Castlemaine Stone Homestead. Good shedding and water security with 4 dams and 300,000 lts of tank water. Enquiries to Domenic Romeo from Unique Estate Ph.0438 500277
Photos in the December Enews