Entries by rexdesignsdevsite1

TALGA September 2018 eNews

Special Memorial Edition Honouring Rosemary Holmes, the National Lavender Collection and TALGA The Australian Lavender Growers Association was formed as an incorporated body in 1995. Its mission was and still is, to assist in the establishment of a viable Lavender industry in Australia. TALGA as it is commonly referred to, was the brainchild of Rosemary […]

TALGA August 2018 eNews

NEW TALGA MEMBER AUGUST 2018 Cate Harper, Glenvalley Lavender, Glengarry, Victoria TALGA President Gary Young welcomes Cate to TALGA and trusts you enjoy the benefits that we can offer from networking, conferences, workshops, industry knowledge etc. WARRATINA LAVENDER FARM has just held a most successful Tea Cosy Competition raising over $11,000 in 9 days for […]

TALGA July 2018 eNews

The 2018 Lavender Journal is being posted out to members now – A big thank you to the Area Liaison Representatives for following up with their respective State or Region members for articles and advertising for the Journal and for those members getting back to their ALR with information. Note that there was no Enews for […]

TALGA May 2018 eNews

SAVE THE DATE TALGA 2019 CONFERENCE 20th, 21st & 22nd March 2019 Port Arthur, Tasmania 2018 TALGA JOURNAL It’s that time of the year again where we ask all members to have an input into the TALGA Journal. Please forward your article to your ALR Representative. We are also after advertising for the Journal. You […]

TALGA April 2018 eNews

SAVE THE DATE TALGA 2019 CONFERENCE 20th, 21st & 22nd March 2019 Port Arthur, Tasmania We are working towards the Tasmanian Conference for next year. If any member has any ideas/suggestions for guest speakers and/or sponsors please contact any Board Member. 23rd AGM & MINI CONFERENCE JENS VOLKMANN, Richmond Lavender, Charles Reuben Estate, Tea Tree, […]

TALGA March 2018 eNews

FIELD DAY AT PASTORIA LAVENDER The Australian Lavender Grower’s Assoc 2018 Conference & AGM This coming Friday 23rd March Contact Treasurer Neville Sargeant email: yellelectllav@bigpond.com Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show 21st-25th March New Zealand Lavender Conference “For the Love of Lavender” will be on 24th-26thAugust 2018 in Martinborough, NZ. MC LAREN VALE LAVENDER March […]

TALGA February 2018 eNews

By now all TALGA members will have received the Miniconference Flyer and Registration Form. The Miniconference is a one-day event, a Field Day at Pastoria Lavender, near Kyneton, Vic. Pastoria Lavender was planted in 2014. Come and see what the owners Neville and Gillian Henderson have achieved in only a few years. It is a […]

TALGA January 2018 eNews

MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW Members may like to take the opportunity when coming to the Conference to visit the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show on at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, 21st March to 25th March 2018. While you are there pay a visit to TALGA members, Annemarie & Peter […]