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TALGA September 2018 eNews

Special Memorial Edition
Honouring Rosemary Holmes, the National Lavender Collection and TALGA

The Australian Lavender Growers Association was formed as an incorporated body in 1995. Its mission was and still is, to assist in the establishment of a viable Lavender industry in Australia. TALGA as it is commonly referred to, was the brainchild of Rosemary and Edythe at Yuulong Lavender Estate.

Opening the farm to the public in the 1980’s, generated much interest. There was lots to see. Thiswas then, the only Lavender farm on mainland Australia which people could visit to see Lavenders in flower. There was a plant nursery and tearooms.
The National Collection of Lavenders had been moved from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne for the now proven better suited growing conditions at Mt Egerton. All plants were carefully labelled and much studied by visitors.

The visitor’s book at Yuulong became the basis for creating a membership list for TALGA.
Many people signed up for membership of TALGA across the country and State Liaison Representatives were established as contact points.
Some 24 years later I am pleased to say that TALGA is still supporting growers across Australia by providing Conferences, an annual Lavender Journal and a monthly e:newsletter. TALGA has established reciprocal membership with NZLGA and USLGA as well as IAAMA and EOPAA.

In 2015, in time to mark the 20th anniversary of TALGA, Rosemary wrote and published “TALGA’S FIRST TWENTY YEARS” – an important resource on the history of TALGA including a directory of current member farms in Australia, donating all proceeds of the sale of the book to TALGA.Rosemary’s generosity has been evident in so many ways, from the beginning. She gave of her time,was always available to share her knowledge whether it be marketing, research, plant propagation, lavender products, culinary lavender. I think almost every grower has plants of Lavandulaangustifolia ‘Egerton Blue’ which she propagated at Yuulong and is known as the culinary lavender.She attended almost all 23 annual conferences, and showed great interest in members’ activitiesthroughout Australia, always encouraging them to achieve their hopes and dreams in Lavender. Above all, she imbued TALGA with her delightful spirit – we honour her now and always.

– Fiona Glover

2019 TALGA CONFERENCE at Port Arthur– Outline of Program as at Sep 2018.

Our hosts are Clare & Brendan Dean of Port Arthur Lavender. www.portarthurlavender.com.au. Conference venue is Stewarts Bay Lodge, Port Arthur. Accommodation is also available here.www.stewartsbaylodge.com.au

Registration opens at 5pm on Wednesday 20th March, 2019, at Stewarts Bay Lodge, Port Arthur, Tas. This is the venue for the Conference and accommodation is available in delightful log cabins. A flyer showing prices will be sent to all delegates to book their cabins directly with Stewarts Bay Lodge. Drinks and canapés will be served during registration.

Dinner is available at the Restaurant on Wednesday but at own expense and has to be booked.

Registration is again available from 8am on the Thursday morning 21st March. Conference starts at 9am.
Lectures and workshops will be offered during the day, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea included in Conference fees.

The TALGA Dinner and Awards will be held at Port Arthur Lavender, a 5 minute drive by bus from Stewarts Bay Lodge. Again, all included in conference fees.
Friday 22nd March will be a day tour by bus to Pawleena to visit Clare and Brendan’s farm propertywhere they grow more lavender. Other attractions include the Nonesuch Distillery and the Bangor Winery and Oyster shed. Return to Port Arthur Lavender for afternoon tea and closing of conference.

An optional post conference visit to Bridestowe Lavender is being organised for the Sunday 24thMarch.


A request is being put out to members to offer a donation for a gift or an award for the upcoming conference.
This would be a great opportunity for members to promote their products and region.
If you are able to contribute in any way please contact our secretary, Fiona Glover.


The judging of oils for next year’s conference will be based on 2018 oils submitted earlier this yearfor GC testing. The Secretary will be in touch with all 2018 oil producers to determine which samples they would like to include in the Competition.
This is a result of the 2019 Conference being held earlier than usual and does not allow time for oils from 2019 harvest to settle.

24-26 August 2018

Anne and I very recently attended the NZLGA conference for 2018 in Martinborough about one hour north by road from Wellington.
The President, Peter Jennett and his wife Margaret very kindly drove us from Wellington to the conference venue , the historic Martinborough Hotel built in 1882.

The conference began with registration and welcome drinks on Friday night.
The conference was opened on Saturday morning by the Mayor of the South Wairarapa District Council and the first speakers were a team from the Cameron Family Farms, an organic plant based farming enterprise producing seasonal fruits and vegetables, manuka honey,olive oil and nuts.
The next session offered two workshops one on product making and one on digital marketing and Anne and I separately attended these workshops.
We then heard from two members, both younger couples who spoke about their personal journeysin lavender growing and enterprises. Jason and Trish Delamore are the new owners of “Lavender Hill”, the venue for the 2013 NZLGA conference attended by several TALGA members including Neville and Jean Sargeant and Anne and me. Jason and Trish have expanded the lavender planting
and extended the business to produce a local lavender gin and host farm visits tapping into the tourist trade from the Auckland airport. Stuart and Jan Abernethy have a farm ”Lavender Abbey” inthe Wairarapa District and produce lavender oil for use in the range of products they make on farmand sell through local markets and on line. They open their farm for a “pick your own lavender” daywhich has proved very successful for them. Stuart and Jan went on to receive a number of awards for their oil at the conference dinner.
Our next speaker discussed the health and safely aspects important for growers and farm businesses generally and presented lots of valuable information. The session that followed was a scientific one where the speaker described the chemical structure of lavender oil.
Next came the AGM of the association where Peter Jennett invited me to attend as an observer and also offered me the chance to speak to members and I took this opportunity to thank everyone for their hospitality and also give them information about our 2019 conference in Port Arthur. This was very enthusiastically received and during the course of the next day at least ten people indicated their intention to attend our conference.
The formal dinner was held on the Saturday night with musical entertainment from a local group. During the course of the dinner the Lavender Oil Awards were presented to the winners. Noel Porter was the convenor of the judging panel. Noel spoke in his report of the need to train more people in the perception and evaluation of the major aromatic notes of lavender and to identify the more capable noses who would like to join the judging panel. He plans to run a workshop in theNorth Island this year to facilitate this training. At the conference all guests took part in a “blind”evaluation of a number of lavender oils. It was very interesting and enjoyable activity for the participants to share.
Sunday involved field trips to two local lavender farms. Firstly to “Lavender Abbey” where Stuartgave us a tour of the lavender field and demonstrated the operation of the lavender harvester that they have purchased and used for the first time with this year’s harvest. Stuart explained that he was able to harvest the whole crop in three hours…about 2000 plants. They mainly have Grosso anda small amount of Pacific Blue and Violet Intrigue. They have their oil distilled by Susie White at Lavender Creek Farm.
We travelled from there to the farm of Tracy and Eric Voice of Ranui Essentials. Tracy gave us a talk about the establishment of their farm back in 2011 and their journey since then. They have lavender hillside planting of around 2000 plants mainly Pacific Blue and Grosso. They have established an on- farm shop and also sell at markets and on-line. The farm is open to the public.
At the conclusion of the conference we travelled to “Lavender Creek Farm” where Susie and Vaughan White kindly hosted us overnight and gave us a tour of their farm. Susie is very well experienced and respected as a distiller and carries out the distillation process for a number of farms on the North Island, some coming to stay for two days while she distils their lavender flowers.
Susie has also worked on establishing and maintaining a collection of lavender plants and has currently more than 200 species displayed in a delightful garden area adjacent to the farm shop and distillation facility. Their farm and shop are open to the public and Susie uses part of the shop area for her product making. It is a very well laid out and efficient operation.
Susie and Vaughan were delightful hosts and Susie very kindly delivered us to the Wellington airport for our return flight to Brisbane.
Altogether it was a marvellous experience for Anne and me to attend the conference and meet with the New Zealand growers several of whom had attended our Gatton conference. We felt we learned more about the business of growing and using lavender and also felt that the networking that we
achieved will result in quite a number of the New Zealand members attending our 2019 conference in Port Arthur.
Gary Young


Since my last lines I’m please to say we have received plenty of rain and it’s boughtour region back to average rainfall for winter, and anything else that falls from now on is a bonus, hooray. The other day I checked out the 4 smaller tanks spread around the property and they were all full. When I tapped on the galvanized iron cladding, I was pleased to hear a dull thud, rather than a tinny echoey noise indicating still more rain needed. My spirits lifted. That will do nicely, thank you very much. The main tank still has a way to go. T has a special measuring stick, and climbs onto the roof of the big concrete tank, takes out the access cover and giveshis report. “It’s about 3⁄4 full” he says, peering into the murky space, with his legsdangling over the side. I stand below, worried he might fall in, or get his head stuck or something, but this is welcome news. The big tank is our life supportsystem, and I clap my hands. That’s our entertainment for the morning.

Boy it’s been chilly though, especially in the mornings. When T came in with mymorning cuppa the other day, he mentioned it was freezing outside. “I’m nice and warm though, have a look at these”, revealing some tartan trouser things. I did a double take, “what on earth are those” “Long-johns” he says, “they’re back infashion now, I picked them up in Target the other day”. Oh


Although the intermedia lavender is dormant at the moment,
the dentata’s are a picture. What a great plant they are,
drought hardy, good flowers for the vase, and remain on the
bush for 12 weeks or more providing colour for winter
visitors. We spend our days on winter chores. I busy myself
down the track filling potholes and raking quarry rubble back into place following the rain, whilst T is busy with his latest toy – a lawnmower.

We live in an age where you can buy a sewing machine at the local post office and lawnmowers and washing machines from Aldi supermarkets. A few weeks ago T got his hands on an advertising catalogue from Aldi that had a special on you beautlawnmowers. “Hey, look at this, great price and it’s adjustable and goes up hills, automatic start etc.” “But we don’t have any lawn or grass, what do you want a

lawnmower for? I ask”, pointing out we have 2 whipper snippers in the shed. Hereckoned he could mow between the rows of lavender and the land along theboundary…… You name it, he could mow it. Anyway after a morning putting ittogether, he enjoyed pushing it over the weeds and maneuvering around the clumps of jonquils and daffodils around the place. Happy as Larry.

Warm wishes for the new season


Lavender sieving machine and a stripper


Annie Hepner (property sold) has for sale a sieving machine and a stripper. $550 for lot or best offer. Contact annie@hepner.id.au


Contact Shelley Hunt. lordot@gmail.com Ph 0499 996923



TALGA August 2018 eNews

Cate Harper, Glenvalley Lavender, Glengarry, Victoria
TALGA President Gary Young welcomes Cate to TALGA and trusts you enjoy the benefits that we can offer from networking, conferences, workshops, industry knowledge etc.

WARRATINA LAVENDER FARM has just held a most successful Tea Cosy Competition raising over $11,000 in 9 days for cancer research.
The Tea Rooms were flat out with food and there was a cosy atmosphere during 9 very cold, wet and windy days.

Our next exhibition will be the Wood Working Wonders Expo in September. Handcrafted items by local artisans are displayed in the Drying Shed and sold on their behalf. Another great way to get people visiting the farm during the colder months.
The gardens are looking manicured ready for the burst of Spring. Daffodil time is here and the blooms are a picture for all. It looks like Wordsworth country! The gardens and lavender fields have just been fertilised with dynamic lifter. The farm now smells like a poultry farm.

We have also created a new display garden to highlight winter flowering plants and give colour during the dormant months.
Happy gardening.
Annemarie Manders, Warrantina Lavender Farm

YEA ROTARY GARDEN EXPO – 22nd & 23rd September 2018

The outstanding Yea Garden Expo is on again this year in September.
A change of venue this year with the Expo relocating to the surrounds of the Yea Saleyards.. Again there will be top quality vendors with a broad range of plants and garden accessories. This year the Garden Expo is aiming to exceed 2500 visitors. To encourage clubs to visit as a group, they are offering a donation of a bag of local goodies which could be raffled in aid of your group or distributed as you see fit.

Adults $5.00 Children 16 years and under Free Vendors $150 per site.
Sites sizes available 6 x 3m, 6 x 6m, or 9 x 6m

Further details from www.yeagardenexpo.com.au

TALGA 24th Conference and AGM – Port Arthur, Tasmania – Lavender – Past, Present and Future


In case you didn’t already know ‘things are crook in Coomandook’. Depending where youlive in this great county, the place name changes, but the meaning, sadly stays the same. Unless there is a drastic change very soon, 2018 will go down as another year of drought and head scratching for those on the land. Coomandook by the way is a small township120km south east of Adelaide in the Murray Mallee. It’s dry at the best of times, but as Iwrite, they have received less than half the average rainfall, and a dust storm is heading out that way.

The original saying was ‘things are crook in Tallarook’ from a song written by Jack O’Haganin 1942. Tallarook being a country town where Melbournians during the Depression headed north to find work on the railways, however when they arrived no work, hence the expression. Not to be outdone, the people of a place called Tungamah added their name to the saying – Things are crook in Tallarook, But worse by far in Tungamah. Jack O’Hagen,must have been delightful company, the sort of bloke you would want to have dinner with. He set the words to a popular song with rural and romantic notions:

The cows wont milk, the chooks won’t layThe bunnies fill their tummies on my grass all dayMe ‘Orse is lame, the dam’s gone dryEvery time I go to laugh I start to cry
Oh! things is crook in Tallarook
Me sheila’s turned me down

Today, by the way, Tallarook is a thriving, beautiful town and Tungamah too, with a population of 355 is shown with a wide sweeping main street, showcasing a beautiful 2 story hotel, situated on the banks of Boosey Creek. Now there’s a name to conjure with. I’m going to check it out on my next trip over the border. I wonder if there will be any waterin that creek.

Regardless, I remain optimistic, trust life, and nature will sort it out. T rolls his eyes when I say this,but there’s been many times over the last 30 years on our little property, I’ve wondered if I will eversee lavender in bloom again. Then the season turns and the rains come and all is well. Just to proveit, I had a good wander around my bush garden the other day and took a few snaps. Although it’sdry and chilly, there was colour everywhere, in fact more in mid-winter than summer in this part ofthe world. Here’s a bunch of mid-winter flowers just for you.

Since writing, we have received plenty of rain and on target to make an average year’s rainfall. Here’s hoping it will reach those dry areas real soon.
Kind regards, Christine Hitchen

TALGA eNews August

TALGA July 2018 eNews

The 2018 Lavender Journal is being posted out to members now – A big thank you to the Area Liaison Representatives for following up with their respective State or Region members for articles and advertising for the Journal and for those members getting back to their ALR with information.
Note that there was no Enews for June as we were preparing the Journal for publication. Lavender Club Members may purchase a copy of the Journal from the Secretary, Fiona Glover for $15 each including pack/post. E: secretary@talga.com.au


Mondays are working on the land days for T and myself. The seasons dictate our activities and one of mine, which I look forward to every year, is the big burn-up.
Up until last year the Council imposed so many restrictions on burning, it was difficult to find a suitable bon fire day, and I got caught out when the heat arrived early and fire-bans came into force, with half the wood pile still to be burnt. These days common sense prevails, and as long and you observe guidelines and timeframes, burning is a lot easier.

McLaren Vale Lavender NewsLast Monday was one of those clear, sunny winter days. Still, albeit very chilly, perfect for my burn- up. In the paddock down the road the vines had been taken out and several fires were already alight. The smell of smoke in the air; pleasant, easy, gentle smoke, not the fearful, threatening smell of January smoke.

“Off you go then said T, do you need a hand getting it started?” He says this knowing I’vehad a lot of trouble getting them going in thepast. “No, I‘ll be right” say I, as I head offdown the track to my special burning space, safely away from everything. I was looking forward to the morning on my own, quietly feeding the fire and watching the flames rise and abate. For me it’s cathartic, something peaceful and relaxing. Apparently it’s been scientifically proven that watching a slow burning fire has the ability to lower blood pressure.

It’s easy lighting a fire right? Well not for me, arsonist I shall never be. I’ve come to realise you needpreparation, discipline and patience to light the right sort of bon-fire. In my shed I keep a supply of diesel, McLaren Vale Lavender Newsspecial long matches that T found for me, and newspaper. I find newspaper hard to come bythese days because I used to buy a paper daily, then just weekends and now it’s electronic news.

Consequently I found myself eyeing off UncleJim’s racing paper the other day. “Are you going to throw that out Jim?” Say I.Fortunately I had some old lavender bushes to burn and I used these to start the fire with the help of a liberal splash of diesel, then some nice dry kindling, and off she goes.

During the amble from the woodpile to the fire the sun was glinting through the coppery- ginger tassels of the casuarinas on the other side of the track, and the birds were twittering away. Perfect, all is well in the world.
Kind regards
Christine Hitchin


Below is a link to Flow FM where you will find a recording of an interview with Fiona Glover talking

about the Australian Lavender Industry. It makes great listening. Well done Fiona.

https://soundcloud.com/user-900670986/fiona-glover-talga or go to Talga facebook site and follow the link on post dated 19th July, Oils Essential to the Australian Market, scroll down to Flow FM Australia-Fiona-Glover-TALGA


ACS Distance Education have just released a new short course in Plant Taxonomy. Written by John Mason, ACS Principal and a number of ACS academics, including Timothy Walker, former lecturer at Oxford and former Director at Oxford Botanic Gardens and Marie Beerman, who holds a Bachelor and Masters of Science (Horticulture).

Plant Taxonomy is the scientific identification of plants. It will help you make more sense of plant names and characteristics.

Anyone who works with plants should understand how critical it is to have an understanding of plant taxonomy and plant identification. Those who work in the horticultural, environmental or agricultural sectors, should be able to identify parts of a plant or have the ability to place plants into higher level scientific classifications such as a family or class. Taxonomy trains people to observe the finer details that separate one plant cultivar from another. It provides a framework that makes the process of identifying plants systematic.

This course will help you identify a plant faster and with greater accuracy than would otherwise be possible.

Studying plant taxonomy has been sidelined, undervalued and neglected in horticulture, agriculture,botany and science courses. “My colleagues have been complaining for decades about these topics being neglected in many horticulture and agriculture courses. In the past they were standard in most certificates, diplomas and degrees, but no longer. This is knowledge that could be lost to theindustry if new entrants do not make an effort to learn it” John Mason, Principal ACS Distance Education.

Without this level or taxonomic knowledge, you risk miss-identifying plants. That can mean growing a less productive species, or even worse – growing a plant with higher levels of toxins or even a prohibited invasive species – and being completely unaware of it.

As this short course can be studied in your own time, at you own pace, it is a great addition to your professional development and can be completed in a couple of days, we say you can complete the course in 20 hours.

It covers 4 lessons:
Lesson 1 INTRODUCTION – The Why and How of Plant Names Lesson 2 NAMING THE BITS – Plant Anatomy
Lesson 4 PLANT FAMILIES – The Family Life of Plants

If you would like to see more of the course to review, please get in touch and we will arrange a copy of the study guide for you.
Learn more about this short course on our online bookshop:https://www.acsbookshop.com/product-plant-taxonomy-6034.aspx

Sarah Redman
ACS Distance Education E: sarah@acs.edu.au Ph: +61 7 5562 1088


Mark 27-31 March 2019 in your diaries for the return of the 24th Melbourne International Flower & Garden show which returns to the Royal Exhibition Building & beautiful Carlton Gardens. Expect fabulous Show Gardens from the across the globe, stunning Floral Displays, Extensive Retail Program, Guest Speakers, Educational Program, Live Entertainment & so much more.

Install a fire pit for your gardenInstall a fire pit in your garden – and watch people flock to the flame.
It will become the heart of your garden, a place to enjoy a glass of mulled wine with friends, roast marshmallows with the kids or boil the billy and have a campfire cuppa.
Creating a fire pit area is also a great way to extend the hours that you spend in your garden and make the most of your garden all year round.

Here’s to some smoking hot fire pit parties!

TALGA May 2018 eNews


TALGA 2019 CONFERENCE 20th, 21st & 22nd March 2019 Port Arthur, Tasmania


It’s that time of the year again where we ask all members to have an input into the TALGA Journal. Please forward your article to your ALR Representative.

We are also after advertising for the Journal. You may have something you would like to advertise or know of a business who does.
Rates are – business card size $25, 1⁄4 page $50, 1⁄2 page $75 and full page $100.
Enquiries to secretary@talga.com.au

FIONA GLOVER was interviewed by Sarah Grigg of FLOW FM Radio Network on Lavender in Australia. It will be broadcast on Friday and repeated on Saturday this week in their program Regional Roundup, from 10am. It may also be available on line.


Lisa Wallace, Ridgeland, St Lawrence Qld
Peter and Thomas Maher, Hahndorf Lavender Estate, Hahndorf, SA Sophie & David Sheridan, Emu Bay Lavender, Kingscote, SA
Peter Rozendaal, Narrabri, NSW

TALGA President Gary Young welcomes our new members to TALGA and trusts you enjoy the benefits that we can offer from networking, conferences, workshops, industry knowledge etc.

Visiting Qld over the cooler months, you may like to call in on Anna and James Tyson, who recently opened up their new shop Nardoo Lavender Antiques & Collectables, Shop 4, 140 Long Road, Tambournine Mountain, Qld, 4272. Ph 07 5545 3716.
Anna is looking for wholesale suppliers of lavender products from amongst our members.


Dawn Baudinette has harvested, dried and stripped large quantities of L.angustifolia‘Egerton Blue’ this season and is ready to sell. To place your order please contact Dawn direct on 0408 150 635.

TALGA would like to encourage advertising in the Enews, so if you have something in the lavender line that you would like to buy or sell, or perhaps advertise your upcoming farm event, please forward your information to me for inclusion. kpkelly27@gmail.com

Reminder for Members to follow TALGA on Facebook and to like the Page


There are moments, fleeting moments, when one glances around the property and everything is in place, McLaren Vale Lavenderlooking serene and beautiful. I enjoyed such a moment last week. We had received a few sprinkles of rain, not enough to give the soil a good soak mind you, but enough to bring on some green shoots; mainly weeds, but green nonetheless.

With a cuppa in hand I ambled down the track that borders the vineyard next door. Passing the birdbath, my darling blue wrens were twittering back and forth, and a tractor was gently rumbling in the distance, mingled with the soft hum of bees going about their work in the peppermint gums overhead. We are lucky to have gorgeous views across a valley, and as I stopped for a moment a rain cloud appeared overhead with a light sprinkle of rain creating the perfect rainbow.

This is the x factor of owning a lavender property. It’s not something one can put a price on or explain necessarily. I did however mention to T what a beautiful sight it was, ‘that’s nice dear’ hesays, and tells me in detail how he’s fixing the steering column of his old FJ.

For the second time in 30 odd years it’s been so dry we had to buy in water to supplement the tanks. It’s a time of great tension as one by one the tanks get emptied and water use is strictly monitored. No matter how dry it gets, I always ensure the birdbath is kept full. Like a naughty schoolgirl, I makesure the coast is clear before the tap goes on. A moment later T passes by, ‘I thought we agreed you weren’t going to use the hose again?’ he says with a big frown on his face. ‘Well I was just………’

As the lavender heads towards dormancy, May is time for a big clean up and I have been pruning bushes and digging out feral olive trees that invade our property ready for a big burn-up. Olives are the bane of our existence; they thrive on drought, total neglect and continually seed themselves all over the place. Did you know olives have been carbon dated to 20-40 million years ago and can live for 2000 years for goodness sake? Environmentalists reckon they are vulnerable to ring bark by rabbits. If only, I think to myself, not at our place mate. Ah well, back to me digging.

Kind regards Christine Hitchen

For the love of lavender NZLGA Conference


Conference costs: $150 NZLGA members per person
$180 Affiliate members per person
Accommodation on site @ $185 per night, per room includes breakfastComplete Registration form and payment and return to:
Tracy Voice shop@ranuiessentials.co.nz

DAY ONE: FRIDAY 24th August

6pm Registration. Drinks and Nibbles

9am Open with NZGLA Chair and South Wairarapa Mayor Viv Napier9.30am Guest Speaker —Food Forest Organics
10.30am Break
11am 3 x Option Breakouts:
1. Product Creation with Marty Girl
2. Digital Marketing with Helen Player
3. Health and Safety with TBC
12noon Lunch
1pm Personal Journeys from 2 Lavender Growers
plus open discussion
2.30pm Break
3pm ‘Love of Lavender’ from a Science Perspective with Robert Franich4pm AGM
6.30pm Pre Dinner Drinks and Nibbles
7.15pm Dinner (formal) with Guest Speaker ‘Culinary Lavender’


8.30am Breakfast
9.30am Bus Departure
10.00am Martinborough Manor (tastings and tour)
12noon Ranui Essentials Lavender Farm visit, Lunch and Swap Meet of any items you want to bring
1.30pm Olive or Wine Tasting Tour (tbc)
3pm Farewells and Conference closes


TALGA April 2018 eNews


TALGA 2019 CONFERENCE 20th, 21st & 22nd March 2019 Port Arthur, Tasmania

We are working towards the Tasmanian Conference for next year. If any member has any ideas/suggestions for guest speakers and/or sponsors please contact any Board Member.


JENS VOLKMANN, Richmond Lavender, Charles Reuben Estate, Tea Tree, Tasmania has accepted a position on the Board.
This position was made vacant with Anna Tyson stepping down after many, many years on the Board. Anna will continue her association with TALGA as a Consultant.

The Mini Conference was a great success with 31 attendees of whom at least 10 were not members yet.
Neville and Gillian Henderson and daughter Emma, Pastoria Lavender, were wonderful hosts providing a lovely spread of food, wine, morning/afternoon tea.

Neville keeps his plants and machinery in tiptop condition and this impressed everyone.

The distillation session worked out very well with Neville doing the first charge on his still and whilst that was happening Danielle White and Carolyne Wakefield did a dual presentation with Daniell’s Alembic still. This wasdemonstration only and perhaps just as well because we were starting to run a little overtime for the AGM.

Neville gave me 6 oil samples for GC testing and I’ve had a sniff – very nice oils!! If he puts these in to the Oil Comp next year I can predict he will be a winner!
Thank you to our wonderful hosts for making it another memorable Conference.

Fiona Glover Secretary

2018 Conference Delegates

2018 Conference Delegates

Bronwyn Williams
Email to Bronwyn your text and pictures of upcoming events/products for her to upload to our social media.
A great source to make use of. And it’s free.
E:brickies@primus.com.au Mob: 0407502242


17 samples of oil have been sent off for GC testing. Grower’s will be waitingwith interest to see their results.


If all members could please put together a piece for the Annual Journal it would be appreciated. Your ALR will be in touch with you shortly to gather together all reports from your region/state.
For some ideas for your article have a look at previous Journals. We will be able to include some photos.

Q& A

If any members have a question regarding lavender please forward to a Board Member and we will endeavour to have an answer for you.


We would like to put together a General Directory list for Australian wholesalers of plant and equipment (sieves, sickles etc). We regularly receive enquiries from old and new members so this directory would give us a go to place for information that we can then pass on.
To have a comprehensive list we would need input from the membership Please forward known suppliers to me at kpkelly27@gmail.com

Q & A and the General Directory can only work with input from members.


Oh what joy, we finally got some of that wet stuff last weekend. Nothing to write home about mindyou, but a TALGA Enews April break in the season nonetheless. I’m one of those nutters that can’t wait to walk in therain, jump in puddles, ride my bike, or simply sit on the deck and watch raindrops tumble down.

Prior to last weekend we hadn’t had a good soak since long before Christmas and I often bemoan the fact to T. He’s one of these mobile phone addicts and looks up the weather. “There’s a 75% chance of precipitation around 3pm tomorrow and a 5% chance of precipitation………” “what” I say, “you mean it might rain.”

We chose to drive to Melbourne for the mini conference because I love to check out the country towns on the way. The colours and people in rural Australia always delight me. Being so dry the Pink Lake at Dimboola on the Western Highway was bright pink in huge contrast to the dry, grey paddocks surrounding it. And calling into an isolated country pub fordinner I asked to see the menu. “No food today” I was told. “Oh why’s that then?” “she don’t cook chooosdeys”.

Neville & Gillian Henderson hosted a field day at their property in the Macedon Ranges for the conference. TALGA Enews April What a beautiful spot and the first time I have seen this part of the country. Part of the attraction of being a TALGA member is visiting properties around Australia to gain an insight into how a lavender enterprise works in different environments. We always come away enthused and revitalized. Not to mention an excellent lunch, generous hosts, helpful information and stimulating company. An opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

Just when you think nature can never recover from drought, drying winds, bushfires, thirsty kangaroos, rabbits, wild bees – a sprinkle of rain comes down. The air is filled with the scent of the bush and within a day or two tinges of green appear around the place. In my home garden a second flush of lavender flowers have appeared – you see needn’t have worried after all.

I hope the elements have been good to you in your part of the world

Kind regards Christine Hitchen

Get your free Medicinal Herbs – PDF ebook valued at $34.95 by ACS Distance Education!

The Medicinal Herbs ebook is a practical guide on the herbs that can be used to remedy conditions in the human body. This ebook is a fascinating read that looks into the chemicals in herbs and their effects on the body. There is a glossary of terms that helps you understand what the medical terms mean and illustrations and detailed herb descriptions help you identify the plants.

Medicinal Herbs ebookThis ebook also looks at ways in which herbs can be used for medicinal purposes and how you can prepare herbs for use in this purpose, such as teas, decoction and ointments. The majority of this ebook covers a thorough directory of medicinal herbs and looks at the herbs origin,appearance, culture, chemistry, the parts used, what the herb can be used for and the herb’sproperties. The conclusion of this ebook helps you think about some different ideas for starting a business using medicinal herbs.

1/ Visit the site: www.acs.edu.au/promo/herbs
2/ Complete your details and enter the promo code: TALGA2018

And we will email you a link to the ebook. Simple!


Exclusive Offer to TALGA Members- 30% off 20-hour courses

We also have a discount for some of our 20-hour courses for TALGA members. Receive 30% off some of our 20-hour short courses. Enter the promo code TALGA2018 to receive 30% off the following short courses:

Bees, Bee Keeping and Honey Short CourseBees, Bee Keeping and Honey Short Course, click here





Pruning short course

Pruning Short Course, click here





Australian Women’s Leadership Symposiums

The Australian Women’s Leadership Symposiums are a national series of events focused onthe experiences of women leaders in the contemporary workforce.
Taking place in every state and territory capital between May and August, the Symposiums are an unparalleled gathering of the best and brightest female talent. Keynote speakers for 2018 include Gail Kelly, Professor Gillian Triggs, Nova Peris OAM OLY, Jessica Rowe AM, Ita Buttrose AO OBE, Katrina Webb OAM, The Right Hon Dame Jenny Shipley and many, many more.

The principal themes that will be tackled at this year’s events include:

  • Resilience within the workplace
  • Enabling women to lead
  • The power of networking
  • Being bold, being brave, being new
  • Leading through change
  • Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

An attendance discount of 25% is currently available to TALGA members, by entering code ANSY18 at the time of booking (available until each Symposium sells out). For more information and to book: www.wia.edu.au/symposium<httpL//www.wla.edu/symposium>

Alistair Young
Women & Leadership Australia

TALGA March 2018 eNews


The Australian Lavender Grower’s Assoc 2018 Conference & AGM

This coming Friday 23rd March
Contact Treasurer Neville Sargeant email: yellelectllav@bigpond.com

Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show 21st-25th March

New Zealand Lavender Conference “For the Love of Lavender” will be on 24th-26thAugust 2018 in Martinborough, NZ.


McLaren Vale LavenderMarch is a crazy time in SA; known as mad March because so many events are on all at the same time, Festival, Fringe, 500 race, Adelaide Cup, Womad. We also have the best autumn weather anywhere in Australia, beautiful warm, sunny days and cool nights. Just one slight problem at the moment, its sooooooo dry. Not that this is a problem for the grape growers. They need dry, warm weather for the harvest and usually get it too.

Down our way its vintage time and the vineyards are a hive of activity. Gone are the days when grape pickers were engaged bythe 100’s to pick throughout March. It’s a day and night operation these days with machines stripping the bunches off the vines and loaded straight onto trucks or tractors before carting them to the local wineries. Vintage time brings a vibrancy and life to McLaren Vale, with many youngsters from grape regions around the world, helping out and studying wine making. They cram the local

backpackers and fill local shops with chatter and laughter in a hundred different accents.

Two young women from Brazil, on a working holiday approached me for work recently, asking if I had any vacancies for casual work. I explained our harvest was over, however they were delighted when I showed them around my workshop and they left with some essential oil to remind them of their visit. Oh yes, Lavender Oilslavender is grown in Brazil, very well apparently.

Don’t forget TALGA also has our own lavender essential oil for sale. Available with labels, packaged in 10ml glass bottles. The oils are sourced from TALGA’s
growers exclusively, whose oils are judged the best at the bi-annual Olfactory Oil Competition. Check them out on here.

Don’t forget to contact kpkelly27@gmail.com to let us know how your harvest went.

Enjoy the coming autumn days in your part of the world. Christine Hitchen


For further information about a 100hr Lavender Course involving growing, harvesting and its use contact Denise Hodges, Admin. Coordinator, ACS Distance Education, PO Box 292, Nerang, MDG, QLD 4211
E: admin@acs.edu.au Web: www.acs.edu.au

ACS Distance Education are offering TALGA members 10% discount on their on-line courses.


A little drop of rain this week may have been too little too late. We must be the only part of Queensland that missed out on the big rain event of the last week. We have pretty much lost all of our commercial plants this year through a combination of dry, age and severe heat. (A fortnight over 40d) But on the bright side we have a new patch ready to go and expect 1000 plants from our friends at Larkmans any day now. If the heat stays away they will be in the ground asap.

So we keep our chin up make a little more oil, plant a few more plants and enjoy telling our customers about this wonderful plant. Sales continue in the Shed Shop. Looking forward to catching up with friends old and new in Melbourne very soon.


French Lavender Harvest

As newcomers to the lavender industry, we have planted a mere 100 Grosso plants, but theyare closely watched and much loved! It’s been very humid of late, to say nothing of all the water the storms are bringing, but so far so good…I think! Our goal is to build up our plantstock and perhaps one day have a store here on our small farm, but meanwhile we are going to try our luck at the local markets.

Unfortunately we couldn’t make the mini conference but we are very much looking forward toTasmania in 2019.

Lavender news March


Lavender Harvester

Contact: Koos Hulst (03) 5348 4852 or 0437 747 619. E: koos.hulst@sanae-svcs.com.auPhotos in the December Enews


Granite Hills Lavender Farm , 99 Barker Road North Harcourt The farm is on 25 acres. Photos in the December Enews. Agent Matt Bowles, DCK Bendigo. Ph 0418509380


Still. $700. Annie Hepner Ph 0431475143



Now available for purchase for $10 + postage. Most suitable for shirts, caps and vests etc.
To order products phone Neville Sargeant
(03) 59648238 / 0418 998 982 or email Neville atyellelectllav@bigpond.com

TALGA February 2018 eNews

By now all TALGA members will have received the Miniconference Flyer and Registration Form. The Miniconference is a one-day event, a Field Day at Pastoria Lavender, near Kyneton, Vic. Pastoria Lavender was planted in 2014. Come and see what the owners Neville and Gillian Henderson have achieved in only a few years.

It is a day for all new growers and prospective growers where you can ask questions, see lavender equipment, and watch a distillation of lavender oil using two different types of still. Carolyn W (check) is coming to assist in demonstration the use of an Alembic still.
Those of us with more experience will be on hand to answer questions.

For those travelling from interstate by plane, it is suggested that you arrive on the Thursday at Tullamarine Airport where a courtesy bus is available to take you to the Best Western Motel, Attwood. Accommodation is available. Please make your own bookings.
Join other TALGA members in the morning to take you by bus to Pastoria Lavender for the day(and return).

Contact secretary@talga.com.au or mobile: 0412748270 for bookings enquiries

Make a note that Conference Registration is required by Thursday 15th March 2018. If paying by Direct Debit remember to forward details of payment and registration to Treasurer, Neville Sargeant.

AGM 2018

Reminder that nominations for General Committee, Liaison Officers, Notices of Motion and Agenda Items are due shortly.
Refer to an email sent to members on 2nd February.


Available to purchase with labels or unlabelled at Members prices. Minimum purchase.
A TALGA Label with manufacturing details and ingredient list will be supplied separately with unlabelled products


TALGA TALGA cloth patchNow available for purchase for $10 + postage. Most suitable for shirts, caps and vests etc. We would encourage members to obtain one and try.

To order products phone Neville Sargeant (03) 59648238 / 0418 998 982 or email Neville at


Making Payments to TALGA

All payments to TALGA will now be required to be made by Direct Banking or by Cheque. The PayPal option will no longer be available. Please contact Neville if you need any help in this matter.

New TALGA Members

Sophie & David Sheridan, Emu Bay Lavender, Kangaroo Island, SA

TALGA President Gary Young welcomes our new members to TALGA and trusts you enjoy the benefits that we can offer from networking, conferences, workshops, industry knowledge etc.

TALGA PRESIDENT Gary Young has a new email address: president@talga.com.au

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

Members may like to take the opportunity when coming to the Conference to visit the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show on at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, 21st March to 25th March 2018.

Amongst many interesting things on offer you will find, Floral Design Workshops,Quick tricks to give instant curb appeal, and Bring ‘farm-to table’ with ‘yard to table’.Details at www.melbflowershow.com.au

While you are there pay a visit to TALGA members, Annemarie & Peter Manders, Warratina Lavender and Site B17 is where you will find Di & Clive Larkman, Larkman Nurseries who will have a trading sites.


For further information about a 100hr Lavender Course involving growing, harvesting and its use contact
Denise Hodges
Admin. Coordinator, ACS Distance Education, PO Box 292, Nerang, MDG, QLD 4211

E: admin@acs.edu.au Web: www.acs.edu.au
Denise has currently a number of enrolled students in the Lavender Course. It is an excellent exposure to our members to see what is being offered.


I’m pleased to report that my “Patch” at Pinelea produced beautiful lavender within the usual time frame this season. All varieties performed well with no caterpillers, grasshoppers or beetles to spoil the party. Bees were numerous and noisy.
Riverina Thomas and Margaret Rocky Hall had particularly long spikes held on generous numbers of stems.

Most of my Margaret Rocky Hall bushes are entering their twentieth year and in structure, show their age with bits cut out here and there, revealing gnarled, thick old branches. However, I monitored one bush which was representative of the three rows. From this bush, my husband cut eleven bunches, each of approximately 160 spikes.

That these old bushes are still so generous to me I think is amazing! Let’s hope the next season will be as good.

I have attempted to contact most of the NSW members, but have only had a couple of recent responses.
Sharon and Greg Bailey from Little Willow Lavender attended Ag Quip at Gunnedah in 2017. They reported that they enjoyed the experience and made some contacts, but do not plan to attend again in the near future.

They have since had a very positive experience when they set up a “Pop Up” shop in Willow Tree over late December and January.


Pottique Lavender Farm

Jenny and Southie 1st December 2017 at Pottique Lavender Farm, Kingaroy

Pottique Lavender Farm

On the 30th November 2017 I drove over to Kingaroy and stayed at the Burke and Wills Motel overnight. As Pottique Lavender Farmplanned on Friday the 1st December I drove out to The PottiqueLavender Farm. While not members of TALGA Annie McBride’s niece was most interestedin hearing about what we do as an association. A complimentary copy of the 2016 Lavender Journal was graciously accepted. After a delicious morning tea, I could look around in their shop and lovely garden full of lavender geraniums and other native plants.




February 2018

McLaren Vale LavenderFebruary must be the cruelest month on both sides of the planet. Chatting with a friend in UK last week, he recounted the need for 7 layers of clothing while waiting at a bus-stop in sleeting rain. And here I am surveying our parched, dry plot of dirt in heat of 42 degrees, wondering how my precious lavender plants can ever survive.

Does􏰀’t seem to worry the native gums though, they positively glisten silvery, green in the heat, and I was surprised to come across a

Scentimental Collection - Lavender Roll-on Deodorant

Scentimental Collection – Lavender Roll-on Deodorant

spindly gum, planted 30 years ago, covered in beautiful golden bunches of flowers for the first time. What a surprise.

February, in our part of the world at least,
even the most avid gardener and yet amongst the pretty pink Amaryllis lily pops up, delivering a a Hyacinth. It’s a trick of 􏰀ature that these twotime, at opposite ends of the globe, one in
the colder the better.

Talki􏰀g of heat, do􏰀’t forget Talga’s lavender deodorant available wholesale price for box 10 works out at $4-18each. Exclusive, Australian made, a great addition too

your retail shelf and a big hit for those searching for aluminium free, authentically fragranced lavender deodorant. Available with or without a label.

The Talga team is always working on ideas for new products and initiatives to assist our membership promote and sell their lavender.

Watch this space for an exciting product development.

If you have a view or idea for consideration, please let us know. Fiona our Secretary can place it on the agenda for discussion or even better, have a chat at the mini conference, coming up on Friday 23 March. [see website for details]. T and I will be driving over and taking in the Melbourne Flower Show at the same tim􏰁e. I’ll look forward to seeing you there.


Dawn Baudinette would like to thank Annemarie Manders, Warratina Lavender, for not only lending Dawn her lavender stripper but personally delivering it. Annemarie stayed overnight with Dawn. No doubt several wines were consumed.



Steve Ford would like to purchase a still. E: fordsy@hotmail.com

Lavender harvester consisting of:

  • Modified forage harvester with extended chute
  • Bespoke fabricated trailer for collection of cut lavender
  • Bulka bags

The lavender harvester was built during 2012 and was used during the harvest in early 2013and 2014. In 2014 the lavender oil won first prize in TALGA’s lavender competition forGrosso oils.
It requires a tractor with three-point linkage and a PTO shaft (power take off).

A total of $3,100 was spent on purchase, modification and fabrication and will sell now for $2,000.,
Contact: Koos Hulst (03) 5348 4852 or 0437 747 619. E: koos.hulst@sanae-svcs.com.au Photos in the December Enews

Granite Hills Lavender Farm , 99 Barker Road North Harcourt
The farm is on 25 acres with stunning views across central Victoria. Approx 5 acres of lavender, several varieties. Large Castlemaine Stone Homestead. Good shedding and water security with 4 dams and 300,000 lts of tank water. Enquiries to Domenic Romeo from Unique Estate Ph.0438 500277
Photos in the December Enews

TALGA January 2018 eNews


Members may like to take the opportunity when coming to the Conference to visit the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show on at the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, 21st March to 25th March 2018.

While you are there pay a visit to TALGA members, Annemarie & Peter Manders, Warratina Lavender and Site B17 is where you will find Di & Clive Larkman, Larkman Nurseries who will have a trading sites.

Details at www.melbflowershow.com.au

TALGA PRESIDENT Gary Young has a new email address: president@talga.com.au

CLARE & BRENDEN DEAN, Port Arthur Lavender recently had some interestingpublicity. You can find the link on TALGA’s Facebook, click here.

CHRISTINE HITCHEN, McLaren Vale Lavender, SA

It’s been a good season here in SA, thanks to generous winter rains and gentle Spring, hence a nice crop of intermedia came in early and is now harvested. It’s time for T to set upthe still and get cracking in the shed. The distilling competes with his hobby of restoring old Holden cars, so lots of encouragement and enterprise bargaining takes place over the next few weeks.
What lavender grower hasn’t been contacted by a young bride to be, with a vision of waltzingdown the rows of blue with her billowing veil……….
Yep, another one last week and politely declined. Many years ago, when we grew a lot of lavender, we had a fiasco with a bride and ants, but that’s another story.
I mention this because I had a call also from a frantic florist. “I have a bride who has justchanged her wedding flowers to fresh lavender, have you got any for next Saturday”?“Unfortunately not”, I replied, and gave her the TALGA contact number for other growers.The florist was so grateful and I didn’t hear back, so hopefully our bride was happy with herefresh lavender themed wedding, complete with fragrant bouquet.
I thought of an idea the other day, when I was visiting Hahndorf, a small township in the Adelaide Hills settled by the German community. The township is a must see for tourist to SA and is an Oak, tree-lined street, full of delightful boutique shops and quality eating houses. I came across the entrance to a bed and breakfast house, just off the main street, lined with lavender. Probably a Grosso or Miss Donnington. Naturally I took a picture.
Next time you are out and about and see lavender in bloom, no matter where you happen to be in Australia or the world come to that, get that phone out and do something really useful with it – send in a picture to kpkelly27@gmail.com and tell us where it was taken. Yes go on, just do it, and I will look forward to a sticky from your part of the world.
Warm wishes to you all for a happy, healthy and productive 2018, and keep smiling. Christine


I am looking forward to members taking up Christine’s challenge. Hope to receive lots of photos to share. Kaye

WANTED To hire or buy a secondhand Stripping Machine.
Beautiful L.angustifolia Egerton Blue dried bunches for sale and dried sieved lavender in kg lots. For further information please contact Dawn Baudinette, Portland Bay Lavender. Ph 0408 150 635 or rdbaudinette@gmail.com

FOR SALE Granite Hills Lavender Farm , 99 Barker Road North Harcourt
The farm is on 25 acres with stunning views across central Victoria. Approx 5 acres of lavender, several varieties. Large Castlemaine Stone Homestead. Good shedding and water security with 4 dams and 300,000 lts of tank water. Enquiries to Domenic Romeo from Unique Estate Ph.0438 500277


The following link makes interesting reading and you will also find it on TALGA’s Facebook

Looks like it’s really happening!

https://www.facebook.com/EssentialOilUniversity/posts/10156137643863083<https://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Efacebook%2Ecom%2FE ssentialOilUniversity%2Fposts%2F10156137643863083&urlhash=07Q1&_t=tracking_anet


The following is an extract stating that “funding grants expected to be announced February/March 2018”

As you will recall, AgAware via the AgriFutures Aust Australia project, PRJ-010333 – Minor Chemical Consultant for small and non-levied industries, worked with your industry to prepared and submitted grant applications to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) following representation at the AgChem Access Priorities Forum in July 2017.

Two ESSENTIAL OILS (LAVENDER) grant applications were submitted to DAWR in December 2017 , with notification of successful applications expected in February-March 2018 with funds made available soon after this.

The ESSENTIAL OILS (LAVENDER) grant applications were:
Specific crop nameTarget Pest
(common name)Target Pest
(scientific name)Commodity Pest Ranking Potential Solution Industry suggestion (ai)Chemical Group / MOAProposed supporting companyRegistration or Permit

Essential oils – lavenderRoot rot Damping offPhytophthora spp.Pythium spp.1Cyazofamid21ISKP
Essential oils – lavenderShabPhoma spp.2MancozebM3UPLP

Several other ESSENTIAL OILS (LAVENDER) priorities projects will be carried over to the 2018 Forum, as time was limited, there was limited support, or more information was required by the agchem companies.

Peter Dal Santo
AgAware Consulting Pty Ltd
21 Rosella Avenue
Strathfieldsaye VICTORIA
Ph:+61 3 5439 5916
Fax:+61 3 5439 3391
Mob:+61 407 393 397